So thats what my break was like in a nutshell. Now speaking of anime I figured I'd go a little more in depth because I'm sure there are some people in this class who watch it as well. My choice method is to watch the shows and series that are currently airing in Japan. I find this to be quite fun and it keeps you waiting each week for the next new episode. Right now I'm current with about 8 series, but because we were on break that number will now probably drop to something a bit more manageable. Usually there are subtitles up for most shows a day or two after they are aired in japan so I do stay fairly current which is a lot of fun in my opinion. I will now leave you with a song from one of my favorite recent series, k-on!! (けいおん!!) which just finished earlier this semester. This song is called ごはん は おかず, and in class we learned that ごはん means cooked rice which is essentially what this song is about. There are also some other foods that people will probably recognize sprinkled in throughout the song. enjoy.
For this section of my post I decided that I would choose to share a song with everyone. This is a very powerful song and I first heard it while watching the movie 秒速5センチメートル: アチェインオブショートストリーズアバウトゼアディスタンス (5 Centimeters Per Second: a chain of short stories about their distance), by 新海 誠 (Makoto Shinkai). It was originally written by 山崎まさよし (Yamazaki Masayoshi) and it is called "One more time, One more chance." I have attempted to embed a Youtube video of the song so feel free to listen to it if you would like to. It's one of my favorites, hope you enjoy.