Thursday, August 26, 2010



My name is Benjamin Curl and I am a sophomore at Notre Dame.  My major as of now is Computer Science with a double major in Physics.  However, I am very interested in Japanese and am considering adding it as either my second major or as a minor instead.

My first experience with the Japanese language, like many others who grew up in the United States, was through the medium of anime and manga.  By watching these as a kid through my teenage years I developed a love for the country and decided that I would like to make an effort to learn Japanese.  Expanding on that interest I also started listening to some J-pop and other Japanese music despite not knowing what any of the songs meant. Consequently I am very excited to be in this first year Japanese class with the opportunity to learn this language. Also, I am considering the possibility of doing a semester abroad in Tokyo if my schedule will allow for it because I think it would be awesome to immerse myself in the culture and language for a prolonged period of time.

Well thats pretty much all that there is to know for now.